Maximize Sales Call Success
Successful sales calls are not easy and they don’t happen by accident. Whether you’re brand new in your sales position or you’re a seasoned veteran, Salesgenie has gathered these helpful tips to help you maximize your sales results and improve your calls.

Define Your Desired Action
What do you want your prospect to do as a result of your call? Be specific. Prospects are busy and need you to guide and/or problem-solve.
Serve a Purpose
Every sales call should serve a purpose. Lead the conversation with a prospect towards learning what their challenges are. Offer a solution or connect them with someone who may have one for them.
Reinforce but Don’t Overwhelm
Prospects won’t remember everything you tell them in prior conversations. Review key points during the call to help them recall by using different phrases like “as we discussed”. Also, be sure that your words are easily understood by your prospect. Industry jargon should be avoided.
Know the Takeaway
In many situations, your prospect will need to seek the input and approval from multiple decision influencers. Empower your prospect with supportive narrative and any backup materials that may prove helpful in closing the sale. If approval is denied, follow up at a later date.
Measure Success
Know what needs to happen for a sales call to be considered a success. Remind yourself of the objective before the call begins.
Listen to Your Prospect
Not every prospect is the same. You can’t fully connect with someone unless you ask questions, listen carefully and tell him or her how you can address their specific individualized need.
Prepare Questions
You don’t accomplish objectives when you do all the talking. Think of questions that will help your prospect learn. Allow your prospect to figure out how important your product or service is on their own.
Define Your Fallback Objective
You won’t reach your objective every time. Know your fallback position and ask yourself to aim for it if it becomes clear you can’t accomplish what you intended.
Know Possible Responses to Various Objectives
Make a list of responses to objections. Many objections have the same fix, though not always. Additionally, never take reluctance or objections personally, as this will cloud your mind and thereby your ability to respond well.
Know the Objective of Your Prospect
What would your objectives be if you owned your prospect’s business or worked in their industry? If you don’t know or if you’re unsure about this, ask. Just asking can help them think through and clarify their own needs, enabling you to offer a potential solution and possibly gain a valuable customer.

Find the Leads That Will Help You Accomplish Sales Call Success
Segment your audience based on specific sales criteria, including:
- Type of Business Including Headquarters, Branches, Sole Proprietorships and more
- Companies within a Geographic Area or Territory
- Lines of Business
- Sales Volume